Most of us don’t have time to dream anymore. We gave up on that about the time reality set in. But what if your dreams and desires weren’t just an escape or a guilty pleasure? What if they’re actually a map to who God made you to be and directions to what He intended you to do?
The Destiny Project intensive coaching course helps you partner with God to awaken the dreams hidden in your heart, align your life with your deepest values, find your purpose and step into a fuller story of freedom and influence.
You’ll recover your connection to the heart of who you are, reconnect to what really matters to you, discover the unique gift that you bring to the world and identify what’s been stopping you from living the life you were created to live.
You’ll partner with God and with other women in new ways, uncovering together the deep truth of who God says you are, and His highest dream for your life.
Are you ready to awaken to the fuller life that awaits you? Join us in the adventure of embracing who you are designed to be!
What can I expect at the Destiny Project?
We’ll create the space to quiet down the noise and expectations of your world and make room for you – to get a clear view of where you are now, where your soul feels called to be, and the steps you can begin to take to get there.
The journey will take you through a five part process:

1. Engage Your Curiosity:
You’ll begin by getting curious about what you’re drawn to and what that says about your own unique design. The primary tool used to launch into your Destiny Project journey is the Dream Map. You’ll assemble it prior to the start of the course (instructions will be provided), but we’ll dive into the discovery around it together.
2. Awaken Your Heart:
Using the Dream Map as your personal blueprint, you’ll reconnect with what brings you to life and awaken your heart’s capacity to see your God-inspired dreams and desires. You’ll uncover your unique personal Values that deeply matter to you and learn how to meaningfully align your life around them.
3. Discover Your True Identity:
Through a series of coaching processes, partnering with God in the process, you’ll discover more about who God uniquely created you to be. You will craft your own personal Identity Statement that captures the core of who you really are and how you reflect the image of God in a way that’s unlike anyone else.
4. Clarify Your Purpose:
At this point in the journey, you’ll clearly name your purpose. Your Life Mission is the impact that naturally occurs when you live in the fullness of who you are and motivates everything you do. It transforms your dreams into a specific guiding path to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be.
5. LIVE the Life You Were Designed to Live!
How will you live out what you’ve learned? This portion of the journey will equip you to to intentionally and strategically integrate your learning with Next Step Goals for living out your identity and mission in a variety of areas in your life. You’ll also identify some of the key things that have held you back and will learn tools for overcoming obstacles.
The Destiny Project will lead you on a journey with God through your own heart, revealing Dreams, Values, Identity, Mission and a Life of Intention and Impact. Each exercise builds on itself to reveal the next piece and from the center of it all flows the relationship of intimacy with Christ, providing a unique and personal discovery for each participant.
The Destiny Project is a powerful developmental opportunity and an invaluable investment in your personal and spiritual growth!
In the words of one of our past participants:
“If you’re in doubt, GO! It will be life transforming!”
– Keri
Available Formats:
An 8 week LIVE Webinar course: Eight weekly 90 minute Zoom calls, limited to a maximum of 12 participants to ensure specialized attention and focus.
An intensive, 4 Day Weekend retreat format. Although the Destiny Project Intensive is held as a retreat format – meaning you get away for a full, 3 1/2 day weekend in a sleep-over environment with other women – it’s a deep dive into discovery and not a “retreat.” The environment is carefully crafted to be one of safety, encouragement, and affirmation to support your discovery process.
Click on Upcoming Events to view the current Destiny Project offerings and registration links
Questions? email us at: [email protected]